The Game
The goal of this shifting tiles labyrinth game is to collect all tokens from the board that match cards in your hand.
The game can be played by one or two players. At the start, you are dealt 6, 8 or 12 token cards, face down. You can only see the token at the top of the stack. Each player controls a colored chip, placed at their home base.
Each move has two parts:
1. Place an extra tile in any highlighted spots around the labyrinth and slide it in.
2. Move your chip, one tile at a time, following the open path, to any tile.
If you land on the tile with the token that matches your top card, you collect it and this ends your move.
If you were unable to get to your target token, you can stop anywhere and double tap the board to signal that you are done.
After you collect all the tokens from your hand, you need to return to your home base. First player getting this done wins the game.

In a Single Player mode, your goal is to finish the game in the least number of moves. We will record your score, and you can compare it to other players on the Game Center Leaderboard.
Here is an illustration of how to play this game.
In this example, you are playing with the red chip, from the home base at the top right corner.
As you can see in the first screenshot, your first target is "M". Luckily, you have a direct path to it. However, according to the rules, you need to shift the tiles once before moving your chip. Just be careful not to break your path to the target!
You can slide a tile with an "X" by long pressing on it.
Then move your chip, step by step, down to "M".
The target is moved to your "collected" pile, this move ends and the next target "Q" is revealed.

Now you need to build your way to "Q", that is located on a spare tile.
You can move it to a light pad at the right end of the second row, next to "R", by tapping that pad.
Then you can rotate that spare tile by tapping it repeatedly, so there will be a path for you to get there when you slide it in.

The long press on "Q" will slide it in by shifting the entire row of tiles left.
Now, as you can see on the following screenshot, you can tap your way to "Q" to collect it, reveal the next token "Y" and so on.
Don't forget to go to your home base after collecting all targets!
At any time you can check your personal records on the Scoreboard. From there you can go to the Game Center Leaderboard to see the records of your friends and other players.

You can control the game with the following gestures:
Sliding tile phase
Tap an empty place around the board to move the spare tile there.
Tap a spare tile to rotate it clockwise.
Double Tap a spare tile to rotate it counterclockwise
Long Press the spare tile to slide it into the labyrinth.
Moving chip phase
Tap any tile next to your game chip to move there.
Double Tap a board to end your move.

You can select the following options through the Settings menu:
Mode - select "Single player" or "Two players”.
Tokens - select “Letters" or “Pokemon” (coming soon).
Number of tokens - select 6, 8 or 12 tokens to be dealt to each player at the start of the game.
Color - select game chip color for the first player.
Show prompt - if selected, prompt players for their next action.
Remove collected tokens - if selected, remove the tokens collected by each player from the labyrinth.