

Medici Solitaire is played with a deck of 36 cards. 

First, deal three cards from the deck. If a middle card is between the cards of the same suit (e.g., hearts) or between cards of the same rank (e.g., tens), then this card is shifted on top of the previous one. Deal another card by taping on the deck, repeat, and so on.

Solitaire converged when, after all possible moves, only two cards are left on the table.


You can control the game through the menu with the following commands:

Game over

This solitaire ends when there are no more valid moves on the table and the deck is empty. At this point you can start the new game or repeat with the same deck, in case you missed the move.


In the rare event that this Medici Solitaire converged, you will see the message on the left.

We will record this event in the leaderboard.